Vishnuvardhan - A new journey into our lives

I woke up moring to see my Mom and sis watching TV in low volume. I said myself what's interesting on TV so early coz their soap operas start only at night 8.00 PM. With interest, and with a sarcastic smile on face I turned to the TV. On TV I saw Vishnuvardhan's snap and below written was 1950-2009. Immediately a reporter started her work which she had left before. Sis said "this early moring" Suddenly I took my mobile which was lying besides me. The screen was blinking " 11 messages received ". Each SMS had only one message to convey!!! 8.00 AM Dec 30 2009 was the time in my life I woke up to see a shock from by bed, for the first of its kind!!! This is how I came to know Vishnu passed away. For one hour I dint even move from my bed without taking my eyes from TV. For the first time I hated telivision, which make us sad without any notice, like what does the death. I am not a big fan or a...